Teaching Spanish as a second language since 2007.

I speak a total of 2 languages:
Spanish (Native), English (Advanced).

I've visited or lived in the following countries: England, Spain, Italy, France, Wales, Argentina, Aruba, The United States, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panamá.

"Live Lingua has very professional teachers and was a great experience." Tami R. - Unknown

"Our son, Julian, currently has mostly hourlong lessons with Amarilis, and he is learning a lot and enjoying them--thank you, Amarilis! His teacher at school has noticed his improvement too." Melissa C. - Unknown

"This is by far the most effective way of passing the DELE exam, not only for the level of the instructors, but also for the costs. Gracias por su apoyo." Marianna S. - Unknown

"I was layed of in 2008 and was having trouble finding work in my chosen profession of being a teacher. The only jobs that were open required that I speak Spanish. At that time I spoke none. I have now been with Live Lingua for 3 years, and 7 months into my job search my Spanish level was enough to get a job when many of my friends could not. Thank you so much." Evelyn N. - Primary School Teacher

I teach Spanish to help you...

Speak with native Spanish speakers wherever you meet them.

Get fully prepared for your Spanish exam

Explore a Spanish speaking country comfortably and safely.

Work more effectively in a business environment

Deliver care to Spanish speakers in need of medical assistance

Share your faith with the Spanish speaking world

Develop yourself and open up new opportunities in your life.

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