KET exam tutors

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Are you ready for your KET exam?

KET - understanding

Do you have the English level to correctly complete conversations?

One of the key skills you need to pass the ability to understand and complete conversations.

KET - grammar

Can you listen to an English monologue and understand it all?

To pass the KEY you need to be able to understand English spoken by a native speaker.

KET - spoken

Can you easily match English signs & symbols to text?

The KET exam has the examinee pair text with images and symbols to assess understanding.

More information

What is the KET exam?

The KET (Key English Test) exam is designed to see if the test taker has a good foundation of the basics of the English language and is able to communicate effectively in simple situations.

The KET test has a maximum score of 100 points and depending on your overall score you will be given a rank of C2 to A1.

What is the General KET exam?

The general KET (Key English Test) exam - also known as the KEY exam - is used to evaluate the level of basic English speakers in a standardized way.

The KEY test can be taken both in paper or computerized form. The KET/KEY test is broken up into 4 different sections, the reading, writing, speaking and listening sections.

The test takes about 2 hours to complete though the speaking portion may be on a different day from the written section.




35 questions


21 questions


25 questions


2 topics

What is the KET for Schools exam?

The KET (Key English Test) for schools test is the same in format as the general KET/KEY exam.

The primary difference is that this test is geared towards younger students and as such does not cover the same subject matter as the general KET test.

The topics tend to be simpler, though the English skills that are tested are the same.




35 questions


21 questions


25 questions


2 topics

"My daughter was able to get her PET certificate on her first try. Now we are going to try to get her KET certificate by taking more classes with [my English tutor]." Lauren N.

Pass the KET exam with help from your Live Lingua tutor

We can personally match you with a tutor who is certified to prepare you for the KET exams.


Your certified tutor will be able to tell you what level you're at, what you need to do to improve, and how based on your learning style with a personalized study plan.

Track progress

As you're studying for the KET exam, you will be able to see your progress in all areas in our dashboard to keep you on track to passing your exam.


Your tutor will recommend additional personalized learning resources that complement the lessons, to improve your grammar and vocabulary.

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