TOEIC exam tutors

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Are you ready for your TOEIC exam?

TOEIC - understanding

Do you think your English speaking skill is fluid enough?

To pass the TOEIC exam you need to demonstrate that you are conversant in English.

TOEIC - grammar

Can you write at an advanced English level?

Being able to write English correctly about a variety of topics is key to passing.

TOEIC - spoken

Have you taken and passed this kind of exam before?

Knowing the structure of the TOEIC exam can be the difference between passing and failing.

More information

What is the TOEIC exam?

The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) exam is an English language test designed specifically to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment.

The TOEIC test has 3 different forms and each form has its own challenges.

You can take the Listen & Reading Test, Speaking & Writing test or the institutional TOEIC exam.

How do the Reading & Listening exam go?

The TOEIC Listening & Reading exam lasts for 2 hours. It is made up of 200 multiple choice questions divided into 100 listening comprehension questions and 100 reading comprehension questions.

Each section has a maximum of 495 points and the maximum score for the TOEIC Listening and Reading test is 990 points.

Depending on the points you get you will be assigned a color level. Orange (10–215), Brown (220–465), Green (470–725), Blue (730–855) and gold (860–990).




100 questions


100 questions


200 questions


120 minutes

How do the Speaking & Writing exam go?

The TOEIC Speaking and Writing exam is broken into two sections. You can choose to take both sections together or separately.

The score you get on each of them is independent of each other. The Speaking test will evaluate you pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and fluency.

The Writing test will evaluate you vocabulary, grammar, and overall coherence and organization.

These exams are meant to evaluate business English, but they do not have any business specific vocabulary.

The speaking tests takes 20 minutes, while the Written test takes 60 minutes.




100 questions


100 questions


80 minutes

"This is the best way to learn. I tried Rosetta Stone and other programs but never could speak. Live Lingua English is the best way to learn English." Devine L.

"[My English tutors] at Live Lingua have been great. I have been taking 2 classes a week, and then I change tutors every 2 months, and every tutor I have had so far has been great. I will be continuing with Live Lingua for a long time, and may even sign up to take other languages with them." Mario C.

Pass the TOEIC exam with help from your Live Lingua tutor

We can personally match you with a tutor who is certified to prepare you for the TOEIC exams.


Your certified tutor will be able to tell you what level you're at, what you need to do to improve, and how based on your learning style with a personalized study plan.

Track progress

As you're studying for the TOEIC exam, you will be able to see your progress in all areas in our dashboard to keep you on track to passing your exam.


Your tutor will recommend additional personalized learning resources that complement the lessons, to improve your grammar and vocabulary.

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